An integral part of our Sephardic Temple is our gardens that beautify both our outside landscape and interior building plan.
Two internal gardens punctuate our Synagogue and provide meaningful spaces for reflection. Our Crespi Garden, in loving memory of Bob Crespi, was dedicated by Marion Crespi, and Elissa and Neil Crespi, and their children Robbie, Michael, and Mara. The verdant vista of the Crespi Garden is visible through many vantage points and helps infuse our Temple with sunlight. When entering our Temple, the Garden can be seen through our Sevy Library and is accessible through our Reception Lounge. After morning Minyan services, our Minyanaires enjoy the light it provides in the Breakfast Room.
Our Zacharia Garden, in loving memory of Herman Isaac and Rachel Zacharia, was dedicated by Mr. & Mrs. Isaac H. Zacharia. The Garden is located near our Chapel and provides an open-air view from our Ballroom. The relief sculpture of Moses holding the Ten Commandments is spotlighted on the adjoining wall and was created by Emanuel Milstein who also designed the Heikhal in our Sanctuary. During Sukkot, our magnificent Sukkah is erected in the Zacharia Garden. A Magen David in stone is a focal point on the Garden floor.
The Sephardic Temple building is set back from Branch Boulevard and features abundant greenery that lends a park-like impression. Nearby Mott's Creek and Doxy Brook Fishing Park color the landscape of the surrounding area. Near the main entrance to the Temple is our Charles Pesso Memorial Garden in memory of Past Temple President Charles Pesso. Similarly, our Chapel entrance is enhanced by two gardens. The Chapel Garden was dedicated in honor of Isaac and Mary Ann Zacharia by Joe and Reggie Camhi. Our newly added Rose Garden serves as a tribute in loving memory of Rose Mayo.
We hope you will visit our Temple campus to view these sights.